Central & South Herts

Beekeepers Association

(Formerly Welwyn Beekeepers Association)

Registered Charity Number 1 1 8 6 7 7 7

Central & South Herts

Beekeepers Association (CSHBKA)

are now known as

hertfordshire beekepers

central & south association (HBCSA)

Please click here to visit our new website

Who are we?

Central & South Herts
Beekeepers Association
HBKA Logo Image
Beekeepers Association
Beekeepers Logo Image
Beekeepers Association

Central and South Herts Beekeepers Association (CSHBKA), formerly Welwyn Beekeepers Association, is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, affiliated to the Hertfordshire Beekeepers Association (HBKA), an Area Association of the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA).

Our mission statement

Our aims are to promote and further the craft of beekeeping and to provide education to the public on beekeeping and hive products, and the importance of honey bees in the environment.


Our membership has been steadily growing over the last few years, and we cover an area from Stevenage in the North to Potters Bar in the South.

We offer four types of membership to the CSHBKA:

Please visit our Membership Page

What are we offering?

We provide support and training to our members, members of the public as well as to other current and prospective beekeepers in the area. Our members are able to take advantage of a number of apiary sites and keep their hives there. We also have a wealth of beekeeping experience available amongst our members we can tap into.

We offer a range of courses and training opportunities during spring and summer and hold various social events throughout the year.

Please visit our Training & education Page

Have you got a Swarm of honey bees?

Honey bees mainly tend to swarm from April to July. We are delighted to help you and collect a swarm of honey bees if you live in the area we cover. However, we must be sure that it is a swarm of honey bees and not bumble bees or wasps or any other insects.

We are only able to collect honey bee swarms and cannot deal with any other insects. If you have wasps, you will need to contact Pest Control. Click here to check whether the swarm you have are honey bees.

Please visit our SWARMS Page

Asian Hornet Image

Asian Hornet

The Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina), is an invasive non-native species from Asia. It arrived in France in 2004 and has spread rapidly. As a highly effective predator of insects, including honey bees and other beneficial species, it can cause significant losses to bee colonies and potentially other native species.

Please visit our ASIAN HORNET Page